Hi again, I thought I would share this note with you. Kenneth King wrote to say he has a new book out Cool Couture, Construction Secrets for Runway Style that can be ordered from Amazon.com. Much as I like to support local bookstores, I too am now dependent on mail order for reading material. I see that Amazon has the book available today so here's the link—copy it and paste it into your browser, removing the double-spacing between lines since I can't get rid of it (note that they have preview pages set up so you can get a good look):
Why am I including this sales pitch in my blog? Because so much of my inspiration, attempts at high standards in sewing, and even learning how to overcome fears has come from watching and listening to Kenneth over the years. He is an excellent teacher whose books and cds are like having him by your side. His voice is in my ear as I go beyond the instructions in a pattern. I wish you the same.
As a special offer: if you email Kenneth proof of purchase from Amazon.com, he’ll email you a PDF lesson on a slanted welt pocket with flap, one he developed after they went to press. This lesson will reference other pages in the book, and serve as a little token of his appreciation for your purchase of the book. (Kenneth's website is www.kennethdking.com--you'll find a connection to his email at that site.)
Also, there will be a book signing at the Fashion Institute of Technology Bookstore, 27th Street and 7th Ave, NY, NY, Wednesday December 3, 5-7pm. He hopes to see you there!
Spring up country
7 hours ago
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