Hooray, I finally finished piecing the fabric for the Australian fabric jacket!

What I thought looks pretty dull and grayed, comes off pretty psychedelic in the scanner. Maybe I'm making up for what I missed wearing in the 60s? What was supposed to be two 29" square pieces, turned into an 85" square piece. It feels like I've just made a quilt top over the holidays, in between the feasting and carousing (just joking, except for shrill birdie songs we're pretty quiet around here). Next, final fitting of the lining and then cut the jacket out. We're supposed to have temps in the mid-60s so maybe I can spread out on my big tables outside. This is one time I'm grateful to be in California.
I have all kinds of things to tell you about but they'll have to wait while I meet my sewing deadline. One heads up: the new
Threads magazine has an article from Sandra Ericson about proportion. It takes study, some pondering, and maybe we can even have a discussion. I took her class, have my notes, used the ideas, and still feel I haven't quite wrapped my head around it. More later...
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