Bernina designer Meryl Ann Butler went to the International Quilt Show in Long Beach as Press, and on Sunday, as things were winding down, she took photos of the Bernina show garments on display for that day. She has offered us several of her photographs. I will spread them out across several blogs so as not to defeat older computers. It's exciting to see up close what we missed!

Debi Kuennen-Baker, Bernina Show Designer
The first coat is by Debi Kuennen-Baker. I'm a fan, have been gaga for many of her Fairfield and Bernina garments. She usually goes for the dramatic. This year's version is as bold as ever! Even though it "drowns out" the beautiful machine embroidered floral and scrollwork on the hips and lower sleeves, they're mostly over a black fabric so they don't disappear altogether.

I think the embroidery "lightens" the coat, modifying some of the hard edges of the graphic design. The collar is a collage of fabrics, ribbons, beads, and possibly fibrous Angelina. I do recognize the Sherrill Kahn fabrics and color combinations. I see crystals flashing from the area of the roses. The machine embroidered roses combine pink, purple, orange and yellow--very rich and beautiful. The body of the coat is quilted in multi-colored thread in a kind of swirl and flames pattern.

Janet Lasher, Bernina Show Designer

See Janet Lasher's Etsy page:§ion_id=&page=4
Meryl Ann Butler as Author
Meryl Ann Butler writes columns for As Press she reported what she saw at the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach in an article, "Quantum Quilting: Gramma's Craft Goes Galactic." You'll find it at The article contains many photos of quilts and wearable art, well worth a visit. Meryl Ann is author of the bestseller, 90-Minute Quilts: 15+ Projects You Can Stitch in an Afternoon To buy the book, go to her Facebook album to see more, and get a special deal--$10 off!
Polish Embroidery Books
I received my embroidery books that I mentioned last time. The images are breath-taking and right now I can't do them justice in the blog--you have to go to the website to see inside.

Getting an Image Onto Fabric
I could say right up front, just trace it onto net then trace through the net onto fabric. That's pretty straight-forward. But I have to get the illustration out of the book first and resize it. I've decided that for the beaded (or embroidered) goddess for my vest, I would select graph paper that most closely matches the sizes of my seed beads or cross stitches so that I can tell how large this will be if I include every detail. If I had the right photocopy machine with an enlarger and capable of taking heavy plastic, I would photocopy the graph onto plastic "overhead sheets," then lay the sheet over the book's enlarged picture and fill in the graph with a felt-tip pen. That would become my embroidery template. In my case, I first have to scan in the photo in order to enlarge it a bit. That printout can be placed under a photocopy of the graph paper, and I will be doing the design marking over a light table or holding everything up to a window.
I will then trace the image onto net (or veiling) with a Sharpie pen. I can lay the net down on the fashion fabric and use chalk to trace the lines onto the fabric. The lines will probably rub off so I'll be able to lay the net down and trace again any number of times. That's the theory. I hope to be doing this tomorrow, take photographs, and let you know how I did.
I believe I'm not breaking copyright laws because I'm not reprinting in another publication, nor am I making the garment for financial gain. I'm also using old traditional designs that belong to the ages, not someone's personal designs. This has turned into quite an adventure. The books not only provide me with garment shapes and embroidery, beading, and lace designs, but also ideas for closures and finishings. Richness beyond words. I mentioned the seller in my last blog but I'll repeat the url again because the owner tells me she's getting some fantastic books that have never made it to the US before:
Shepherdess Bride Wears Artwear
For those who might have missed this as it made the rounds online, this is the English bride who is a shepherdess and raises an ancient rare breed of sheep, the Lincoln Longwool. She had her wedding gown made from the wool of her favorite sheep, Olivia, with the skirt a flowing mass of curly locks. I especially like the photo of the bride with Olivia. The groom's weskit was also woven from this wool.
Center for Pattern Design
If you are not on the mailing list for the Center for Pattern Design, I'm sharing Sandra Ericson's latest message about Pattern Design 2009 Conference in San Francisco, October 2-4, 2009. "This event will be the first time ever that pattern people will have come together from all corners of the field to talk to each other, get great ideas and share a community spirit. Pattern designers often work alone, unidentified, and yet their genius creates our most personal environment.
'We are meeting in a beautiful historic hotel and have a wonderful roster of speakers and events! Gail Gondek, pattern designer for many of the best in NY; Julian Roberts, Subtraction Cutter Extraordinaire; Josh Jakus, brain behind the Um bags, and many other interesting and very talented speakers will be there. In addition you will receive a FREE avatar of your body. This is TC2's introduction to their avatar engine, new to the garment industry."
* Conference Brochure:
* For Registration, cost, maps, all info:
Vionnet Visit
Meet Sandra Ericson in Paris for a Tour of the Vionnet, Puriste de la Mode Exhibit. This event is complimentary for CFPD members! Sandra will be in Paris soaking up the exhibit for a week from October 20 to 27 and would be delighted to schedule an entire afternoon at the museum exhibit with all the details gathered from her 35 years of Vionnet collecting, cutting and constructing. If interested, write to her via her website above. Limited to 20 due to logistics. No trip planning involved, just the museum part.
Draping for Design Classes
Sandra Ericson is also giving more Draping for Design classes--the next level is coming in the spring. "For those in business, the new copying law coming soon will make draping your own designs ever more important, to avoid legal repercussions."
Pattern Archives
CoPA, the Commercial Pattern Archive at the University of Rhode Island (RISD) is an archive of over 46,000 records and 72,000 images from 1868 to 2000 of commercial patterns--so many brands, you'll be amazed--that help researchers and designers date or recreate fashion. It is vintage nirvana! They published a CD set for $350 and now it is all online for a price. (Editor's Note: This link didn't work for me but for something so special it would be worth our while to search for the correct site.)
Thanks for reading. Till next time, Rosalie