I'm sorry I've been away so long. I'll fill you in as I go along in later updates, but for now I want to get this word out. John Marshall has been holding an online fabric sale. It's ending this week, so to get beautiful silk on bolts or in pieces, yukata, shawls, and on and on, please go to www.JohnMarshall.to and click on the sale icon. John has instructions on how to order and pay. I'd show you what I'd bought, but I'm saving it for myself for Christmas. It's a ten yard bolt of narrow blue silk with an allover leaf pattern in white. Beautiful graphic.
Suzanne Silk (Perilman)
The other reason to hurry on my part, is that Suzanne Silk (Perilman) is having a trunk show and sale on December 11, 2010 at On the Vine in St. Helena, CA. 1234 Main St., St. Helena, CA 707-963-2209 Suzanne will have her signature kimono jackets, shawls and scarves on display and for sale. These are beautifully silk-screened and painted silk garments. Suzanne's work has appeared in many magazines and books, among them Fiberarts magazine.

She appears in a new book just out here: Textiles Now. Drusilla Cole. Laurence King Publishing, London, 2008. www.laurenceking.co.uk The book is available at Amazon.com as well. Briefly, the book features photos of the work of textile artists from all over the world. It displays some wearable art but that's not the central focus. Many, many of the techniques used in art pieces would be an exciting and interesting feature on a garment. Very inspiring. More later...check it out.
Sassy Feet for the Holidays
Then for something a little different. Destiny Carter & Margot Silk Forest of Sassy Feet have painted a boot for Christmas: T'was the Night Before Christmas Boot which you can see at the Jacquard Products website complete with instructions.
My next update is written, I just have to resize photos. I'll be back as soon as I can. Remember the kitten I found last year and had to return to its owner? He's come back to me, weepy eyes and all. I am so happy to get Sammy back but until the rest of the cat pack accepts him, I spend a lot of time herding cats. Until next time, Rosalie